【18020776786 0592-5165503 小赵】
AB,施耐德140CPU,TRICONEX系列,西门子摩尔,西屋,福克斯波罗 【厦门岳航】供应
Square D PowerLogic Series 3000 Circuit Monitor CM3250
Weg 060180P3E364T Three-Phase NEMA Premium Efficiency Motor
Novellus Chamber Shield 15-291107-00
L-3 Communications BSM720-PC Bit Synchronizer Board
Lab-Line Instruments Inc. 1295 Maxi-Stir Stainless Steel Top Stirrer
Sargent Welch 1397 Duo-Seal Belt Drive Rotary Vane Mechanical Vacuum Pump Works
Pro-Mation Conveyor System Production Type System ECC-600, Eunil
Philips Medical PageWriter 300pi Cardiograph ECG EKG M1770A
Barnstead Thermolyne D4741 Ultrapure Deionization Water System
Square D 50 kVA Single-Phase General Purp Transformer
Horiba Stec SEC-4550M Mass Flow Controller N2O 20 LM
Horiba Stec SEC-4600M Mass Flow Controller H2 50SLM
AMSCO American Sterilizer Co. M70WCE Tabletop Blanket Warmer DJ03
Eppendorf 5402 Multipurpose Refrigerated Centrifuge
MVME 110-1/AMAT Applied Materials 0100-11018 Motorola
Sencore SC3100 “Auto Tracker” Circuit Analyzer
Parker 400XR Precision Linear Table 404150XRMS-D2H3L1C1
MKS Inst PR4000-S2V1N Digital & Readout
Fujitsu FC9607SVD1 Supervisory OSS Interface
Vidar VXR-12 X-Ray Film Digitizer Scanner with SCSI Adapter Card and Cables
Welch-Allyn CardioPerfect SE-PRO-600 Resting & Stress Digital ECG Module
Marquette MAC-6 Computerized Electrocardiograph ECG EKG
Simpact ICP6000 422-8 VME Processor Board
1-Section Conveyor Table XCC-1M-1-SC Production w/ Oriental Speed Control Motor
Applied Materials Lower Shield SST w/ Clean Coat 300mm 0020-48303 Wafer Process
Flextek Table 1-Section Conveyor Technologies Production Type System 5660-01-01A
Pentek 4280 4280-001-003 Dual TMS320C31 Processor VME
F.W. Bell Series 9000 Model 9640 Hall Effect Gaussmeter
Harris Basler Electric BE-0578 Transformer 472-0494-000
Omron 3G8B2-Z8040 MA010 CS001 NI021 NO020 PS000 PLC Rac
Siemens MicroMaster Vector 6SE3215-8DB40 AC Motor Drive
Comm / Lantronix VDE / 200 RX 200.00.1100
MSA Ultralite II Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus
Up-Right Scaffolds 512B Tallescope Inspection Ladder 50512 Stairs
ScandiMed Implant AB 4232 & 422800 Optivac Vacuum Foot Pedal & Hose
Bold Technologies Auto Heater/Chiller Module 940-2201
Diatest High Precision Bore Gauge Set with Split-Ball Probes
Wafab WHRV WHRV1222231-134A Temp Controlled Circulator
Linde UCC-305 Tig Spot Welder with FC-3 and WC5 Cooling Pump
Sullair Filter Housing Valve Control Series 43, OE 0553-9
Labconco Corp. 36213045659 Purifier Class II Biosafety Cabinet
KNF Neuberger, Inc. MPU818-N035.0-10.96 Diaphragm Vacuum Pump
Advance Power Supplies Ltd. HI750 AC-DC
Amp Buchanan Electrical Products Corp. 227-350 Crimping Tool Crimp
Applied Electrochemistry S-3A Oxygen Analyzer Ametek
BBL Microbiology Systems Becton Dickinson 60631 Class II Bio-Hazard Cabinet
BMG LabTechnologies Bio-Rad Fluormark Microplate Fluorometer FLUOstar
Brucker Optics Chromex 250is Imaging Spectrograph
Chrono-Log Corporation 560CA Whole Blood Lumi Aggregometer Aggregation System
Digital Dynamics 54-106931A26 I/O Motor Controller